Frequently Asked Questions


Three bottles of ChitoSal.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Chitosal:

Q: What are plant effectors?

A: When effector molecules bind to specific receptor sites within a plant or on a plant’s tissues, they can regulate the plant’s biological activity. This can lead to an increase or decrease in enzyme activity, specific gene expression, and cell signaling. Effector molecules that cause harm to our crops are defined as negative plant effectors, whereas as those that bring about beneficial changes are known as positive plant effectors such as the ones we have included in our formulation of ChitoSal.

Q: What is Oligochitosan?

A: Oligochitosan is the most technologically advanced chitin-derived plant effector ever bottled. Our unique production process allows us to create this superior plant effector molecule and keep it stable in the bottle and in the grower’s reservoir.

Q: What is Salicin?

A: Salicin is a natural form of the plant effector salicylic acid found in many plant species such as Willow trees. When introduced to the garden, plants recognize salicin as a precursor and turn it into salicylic acid. This allows ChitoSal to encompass the benefits of salicylic acid while remaining an all-natural, certified organic product.

Q: What makes ChitoSal different from similar products in the marketplace?

A: ChitoSal has been formulated by the same team of plant scientists who developed MIICROBIAL MASS. Our world-class research has allowed us to develop the novel process necessary to produce Oligochitosan, and ChitoSal is the first product of its kind to utilize this superior plant effector molecule.

Furthermore, our expertise has allowed us to properly balance the effects of two active ingredients so that they work together with complementary modes of action. This approach makes ChitoSal the most bioactive product of its kind.

Therefore, unlike other products that must be used much more frequently, ChitoSal only needs to be applied once every two weeks throughout the flowering stage in order to achieve fantastic results.

Q: Why is it recommended to use ChitoSal as a foliar spray for the first two applications?

A: When ChitoSal is applied as a foliar spray, it is able to interact with more of the plant’s tissues and provide a faster response. Therefore, we recommend that for best results the first two applications should be applied as a foliar spray at a dilution of 1.25 ml per liter of water.

Q: Can I apply ChitoSal with a fogger?

A: Yes.

Q: Why is it recommended to switch to root zone applications after the first two foliar applications?

A: We recommend root zone applications as the safest option once buds have formed. Although ChitoSal is safe to be applied to plant tissues during the flowering period, we recommend taking a cautious approach by avoiding spraying anything on plants once buds have begun to develop.

Therefore, after the first two foliar applications, it is best to apply ChitoSal to the root zone at a dilution of 2.5 ml per liter of water for the remaining bi-weekly applications until two weeks before harvest.

Q: Should I apply ChitoSal with my nutrient mix or just with water?

A: ChitoSal can be applied as part of a nutrient solution or alone with water. Either way will work equally well.

Q: Can I mix ChitoSal with MIICROBIAL MASS in my reservoir?

A: Yes. And since both products are applied every two weeks, the simplest option may be to apply them together.

Q: Will ChitoSal affect the pH of my nutrient solution when I mix it into my reservoir?

A: ChitoSal is bottled between pH 4 and pH 4.5 and will moderately lower the pH of a nutrient solution.

Q: When I am mixing my reservoir, does it matter when I add the ChitoSal in relation to other products?

A: ChitoSal can be mixed into the reservoir with other products in any order.

Q: What is the optimal pH range for foliar application of ChitoSal?

A: We recommend spraying ChitoSal between pH 6 and pH 6.5.

Q: What time of day should I foliar spray ChitoSal? Before lights on? Before lights off? After lights off?

A: For best results, ChitoSal should be sprayed on plants just before the lights turn off, or just after the lights have shut down. The goal is to keep the leaves wet with the ChitoSal solution for as long as possible in order to maximize uptake.

If you time your application for when the lights are shutting off, the stomata will still be open and therefore the plants will be most receptive to absorption. If you are growing outdoors, we recommend spraying at dusk.

Q: Will ChitoSal clog up the stomata on my leaves?

A: No. ChitoSal is not sticky and is used at too low of a concentration to create any adverse effects on the stomata, leaves, or other tissues.

Q: Should I use a surfactant when applying ChitoSal as a foliar spray?

A: The addition of a surfactant may improve the efficiency of ChitoSal but is not necessary to achieve good results.

Q: I like to use other chitin products such as insect frass and crustacean meal. Can I use them with ChitoSal?

A: Yes, these types of chitin-containing products need time to break down into plant-available forms before being able to impact the plant. ChitoSal will impact the plant very quickly after the time of application. Although it is quite safe, we recommend carefully following the application rates for ChitoSal to avoid the addition of “too much of a good thing”.

Q: What happens if I use too much ChitoSal?

A: ChitoSal is a safe product and we do not observe any negative effects until application exceeds 10x the recommended rates. At this level of extreme over-application, various unusual morphological effects may present themselves in the structure of the plant. We do not typically see any increased benefits from applications beyond the recommended rates. Therefore, more is not better, and for best results we recommend using the product as directed.

Q: Can ChitoSal be used if the plants are already experiencing pest pressure or other causes of stress such as heat, drought, or nutrient stress? Or should is just be used with healthy, happy plants?

A: ChitoSal is not a curative product for plants that are already experiencing stressful conditions and will not help to alleviate symptoms of stress. However, it will not harm the plant further and is perfectly safe to use on plants that are under environmental or other forms of stress.

Q: Is ChitoSal safe to use in recirculating hydroponic systems?

A: ChitoSal is highly effective in recirculating systems. However, in order to avoid overapplication, we recommend adding ChitoSal to the reservoir for the last 24-48 hours before a res change.

Q: What is the shelf life?

A: ChitoSal is shelf-stable for two years.

Q: I let my bottle of ChitoSal freeze. Can I still use it?

A: Yes. ChitoSal is still good to use after it has been frozen. Simply let it thaw at room temperature and it will be perfectly fine.

Q: Can I mix ChitoSal with H2O2 or other antimicrobial products in my reservoir?

A: Yes. ChitoSal is fine to be used in combination with hydrogen peroxide or other antimicrobial products. See our Compatibility Charts for more details.

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